
Hello one and all and welcome to the site with all the information you need on the South Manchester Assassin's Guild. It's not as scary as you might first think. There are Assassin's Guilds across the country that exist simply to have some safe and creative fun. It's a great way to meet new people and hone those instincts.

Ever played Mafia?? Well, if you like that then you'll love this. A game where everyone is the assassin. All about tracking your target down before someone finds you, of misleading your friends and earning their trust while plotting the most creative assassination in history.

Everyone is welcome to play so long as they agree to the code of conduct on this site.

Good luck,

The Umpire

Friday 28 September 2007

Water Weapons

Any water pistol or water gun may be used as a weapon. You must get a definite hit with the main jet for it to count - if you just splash the target with the edge of the spray or at extreme range then the hit does not count. (This means that with larger water weapons such as CPS super soakers it is actually possible to get quite wet without being hit by the main jet of the blast and therefore killed.)
Players may decide as to what extent they wish to allow water-based weapons to be used in their own rooms; this information should be supplied to the Umpire at the start of the game. The default state is no water.
In-bounds areas may have restrictions placed on what sort of weaponry may be used in them, and are divided into three categories::
  • No Water - No water weapons of any type may be used in this area save for the purpose of making bang-kills.
  • Water with Care - Only small water pistols may be used, and even then with caution. The Storm Force 2 should be considered the largest allowable weapon for these purposes (see below for image of a Storm Force 2).
  • Full Water - Any safe water weapons may be used in this area. However common sense should still be exercised
Note that water weapons inappropriate for the water status of the area may not be fired into or out of that area.
All areas should be considered No Water unless specified otherwise.
The following areas are Water with Care:
  • Communal areas of accommodation buildings; including corridors, kitchens and bathrooms, unless specified to the contrary. Players should be especially careful around electrical equipment.
  • Players' rooms listed as Water with Care.
The following areas are Full Water:
  • Players' rooms listed as Full Water, and the area immediately outside them (on the doorstep, for instance).
  • Outdoor areas, unless specified otherwise.
If small water pistols are used, it is a good idea to confirm the kill immediately with the victim who might not have noticed the hit if wearing thick clothing. This avoids arguments later, when the water has evaporated.
Bottles of water, hosepipes, etc. may be used to represent flame-throwers. These should only be used outdoors in warm weather. Shaken-up bottles of lemonade or similar should not be used as the drink becomes sticky and unpleasant as it dries.
If you are using a water pistol/water gun and are pointing it at the head or torso of your target, which you can clearly see and are sufficiently close that you would be able to touch the target, you may say, "Bang!" rather than actually firing your weapon to claim the kill. You cannot do this if your gun is out of ammunition, is jammed or is otherwise unusable (although if you only discover later that the gun is not working then the kill stands). This is intended to stop you causing unnecessary harm to a target from close range and to avoid public nuisance, a waste of ammunition or the risk of a misfire. It is intended to be used on occassions when you are surprising your intended victim and not as a piece of combat. It is the duty of the attacker to ensure that they are demonstrably fulfilling the above conditions when they say the word, "Bang!". However, keep in mind that the Game does not involve the use of physical force. You may make bang-kills with water weapons even if the water status of an area would not allow you to fire the gun. You may not make a bang-kill through a wall, door or other substantial medium.

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