
Hello one and all and welcome to the site with all the information you need on the South Manchester Assassin's Guild. It's not as scary as you might first think. There are Assassin's Guilds across the country that exist simply to have some safe and creative fun. It's a great way to meet new people and hone those instincts.

Ever played Mafia?? Well, if you like that then you'll love this. A game where everyone is the assassin. All about tracking your target down before someone finds you, of misleading your friends and earning their trust while plotting the most creative assassination in history.

Everyone is welcome to play so long as they agree to the code of conduct on this site.

Good luck,

The Umpire

Friday 28 September 2007


Confetti in bags made from tissue paper or water bombs may be used. Use common sense with all of these. They will kill if they strike any part of the head or body. If they hit a wall and splash your head or body appreciably (i.e.. if you're wettish) you are dead. If you are only slightly splashed, you survive. Being splashed on the arms or legs will disable the limbs in question as normal. Water bombs are for use only in Full Water areas.

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